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What’s New At Uku? (June 2021)

What’s New At Uku? (June 2021)


Jun 4, 2021

3 min read
Uku's dashboard view

As the Summer begins, we at Uku are hard at work making updates and refining things for you our accounting community. Thank you for your support!

What news have we got for you in this short June newsletter?

  1. Calendar filters – a brand new feature in Uku’s calendar
  2. A New task status
  3. Ability to manage the team’s timer changing access
  4. June Campaign – Uku pro for 3 months free
  5. Roadmap

(1) Calendar filters

Good news for all calendar lovers – Uku’s 2-week calendar view now includes powerful filters.​

Uku calender filters

The calendar filter now offers:

  • Task status – done, not done, late, delayed.
  • Topics you want to see tasks on.
  • Clients whose tasks you want to see.
  • Users whose tasks you want to see.
  • Account – personal or business tasks

All the familiar filters from the reports section that our members know are available as well.

(2) New task status – delayed

Task status delayed provides an opportunity to distinguish tasks that have been marked as completed after the deadline date.

For example, if a task was due on the 5th but was marked as done only on the 7th, selecting the task status “Delayed” will promptly display all such tasks.

Familiar statuses – not done, overdue and done – continue to work as per normal.

(3) Enter time-tracking with the stopwatch for team members

New setting for company accounts – prevent employees in the user role from manually adding or adjusting time logs.

This means that time can only be measured with the Uku stopwatch, and manual entries and editing of time logged for regular business users are limited.

The account holder and/or admin user (s) can edit the logs entered by users.

(4) June campaign of Uku Pro for three months free + training

Our June campaign for new sign ups is a nice offer which includes Uku Pro for the three month period plus free training so you get the best out of the process.

Have you got a friend who could benefit from trying out the system now is the time to share the link. This offer expires on June 14th.

The added value is getting extra time with our team as you transition into the digital space.

(5) Uku Roadmap

Here you can find our roadmap. Basically all that we are working on and what we’re going to be working on. This is a great palace for you to add your voice by upvoting, commenting or even suggesting items directly to us.

Juuli Pihel
Copywriter at Uku

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Rain Allikvee

Let’s create a dream, where the team is happy, clients are well served and profits are fair.

Rain Allikvee / Uku’s co-founder

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