Completing a new task for a client is like cooking a dish: you have a recipe to follow. However, with each client, you must repeat the same recipe month after month, quarter after quarter or year after year. Creating effective accounting work processes is not something to be afraid of.

Accountancy is a cyclic profession. Every year, you must meet the same deadlines for the same clients. The number of filing deadlines is now increasing with the government’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) initiative, so you must be more organised than ever.

The good news is that if you can automate the bulk of these repetitive tasks, you will only have to manually enter unforeseen tasks to have the full picture of what your firm is doing for your clients.

The best way to meet your deadlines is to stay organised. With the digitisation of the tax system introduced by MTD, it is more important than ever to have digital workflows in place to manage your internal tasks.

Uku helps you manage your deadlines with recurring task plans and a built-in UK tax calendar so that you never forget a task.

Instead of manually adding tasks, you can set recurrence rules and manage your accounting work processes more easily than ever. Tasks can be shared for projects where you will work collaboratively with colleagues or personnel if nobody else needs to see them.

For each task, you can also add checklists, adding another layer of detail when several other smaller tasks need to be done. You can also add a task description with additional information, such as instructions from the client or internal notes.

The future of tax digitisation – accounting work processes

MTD for VAT is just the beginning of the digitisation process. It will be followed by MTD for income tax next year. When this happens, it will require an even more organised process, as it will mean the introduction of more filing deadlines throughout the year that you will need to meet on behalf of your clients.

So that the transition is smooth, you should have full visibility of all your tasks and deadlines.

Uku keeps all your recurring task plans alongside a built-in UK tax calendar to ensure that all critical tasks are in your schedule and done at the right time.

With Uku, you can reassign your work to other colleagues, allow the software to automate your accounting work processes and reduce admin time, making life easier for everyone in your firm.

Uku is a smart digital assistant that improves credibility, growth and employees’ happiness in your accounting practice. Start your free 30-day trial.

Uku accounting practice management software improves credibility, growth and employees’ happiness in your accounting practice. Start your free 30-day trial.

Illustration: Icons8

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Juuli Pihel
Copywriter at Uku

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