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Workflow Automation for Accounting Practice

Get work done on time

Get work done on time

Standardize processes with recurring task templates and dependencies. Then Uku creates a perfect daily task plan so that no deadline is missed.
Standardize processes with recurring task templates and dependencies. Then Uku creates a perfect daily task plan so that no deadline is missed.
Uku's client profile view with recurring tasks
Jurgita Adomaitienė

“Uku is easy to use and accountants actually love working with it.”

Jurgita A.

CEO, Lithuania

What does job management automation give you?

What does job management automation give you?

Uku makes sure that the right tasks reach the right person’s dashboard at the right time.

Recurring tasks save you time

If the recurrence falls on a day off, choose whether the task is brought forward or backward from that day.

Weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly recurrence

Recurring tasks save you time

Weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly recurrence

If the recurrence falls on a day off, choose whether the task is brought forward or backward from that day.

Uku's client profile task view

All important information in one place

All important information in one place

Uku's client profile task view

Each client has their own work plan – system!

In the client’s work plan you will find:

Uku's dashboard view

Each client has their own work plan – system!

Uku's dashboard view

In the client’s work plan you will find:

Uku's dashboard search view

Uku plans tasks for you

Uku plans tasks for you

Uku's dashboard search view

Automated tasks features

Automated tasks features

Work plan templates

With a work plan, you get a quick and convenient overview of the tasks. When creating a work plan for a client, you can use work plan templates as a basis.

Custom dashboard

Save your ideal dashboards with chosen filters and grouping for fast access.

Custom fields

Enter information to Uku that is important to you. For example, you can use additional fields to keep track of whether a customer is late in sending documents.

Automated time tracking

Automate the time tracking by entering a time forecast for a task. Mark the task done and automate the time logging.

Real-time overview

The report consolidates information about tasks, time and volumes by customers, team, etc. This gives you an insight what and how to improve.

Responsible person

Users’ rights lets every team member see only the information they need. The responsible person also sees an overview of team members’ tasks.

Start a free trial or book a demo.

Start a free trial or book a demo.

Elevate your efficiency with Uku, the powerful yet easy-to-use accounting practice management software.

Rain Allikvee

Let’s create a dream, where the team is happy, clients are well served and profits are fair.

Rain Allikvee / Uku’s co-founder